Let me preface this post about my students by saying that the names listed in this and any further posts are not the real names of my students. I have devised some pseudonyms for them to protect their precious little identities. I’m hoping this won’t cause me to struggle when I address them in the classroom. I’m sure I will let you know.
My post today took place a little over 4 hours ago as my mentor teacher, Mrs. Porterfield, filled out a KWL chart on Martin Luther King Jr. For those of you who ask, “What is a KWL chart?” Let me tell you. The letters stand for three questions: What do you Know? What do you Want to know? And what did you Learn?
Since we taught the students a little bit last week about King, we wanted to see what they remembered before listening to the read-aloud.
Here’s what they said. If it seems boring at first, imagine second-graders saying these things, and keep reading… I promise it’s adorable!
What do you Know about Martin Luther King Jr?
>He was shot
>He had a dream.
>That white and black people would be friends
>He got an award.
>He was a friend of Rosa Parks.
>He got arrested.
What do you Want to Know about Martin Luther King Jr.?
>What he eats
>How good was he at basketball?
>What shoes did he wear? (Dominic responds: “We don’t need to ask that. You can just look at the picture in the book and see.”)
>Did he play soccer?
>How old was he when he died? (Molly: “That’s tricky.” Like answering the other questions was a simple feat!)
What did you Learn about Martin Luther King Jr.?
>He was 39 when he died. (Lynn: “That means he would have turned 40 yesterday.” Mrs. Porterfield: “No, he’s dead.” Lynn: “Then how old did he turn yesterday?” Mrs. Porterfield: “He didn’t turn anything. He’s dead.” Lynn: “Hmmm.”)
>He was a minister.
>He protested peacefully.
Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day Everyone!