All that to say, "Blog" has been written on this week's list, and so today I share a few things from our classroom with you.
First, I would like to share some of the beautiful pictures that my students drew last week. I have a drawing jar. There are times when I pull an idea out of it and set the timer for fifteen minutes to see what works of art my students will produce. It contains crazy ideas to realistic ones. This was a realistic idea- The students were asked to draw a picture of their favorite thing that they did this past year. Below are some of the results:
The Carnival |
The Baby Chicks in Kindergarten |
Going to Sea World |
My room is special because my room has my bed. |
My room is special because it has my vanity in it. |
My room is special because I have toys and fish. |
My room is special because I have my own room. |
I hope you have enjoyed looking at some of the things we have been doing!
I'm off to accomplish another thing on my to-do list. Have a wonderful day!