Thursday, June 27, 2013

I Found Two Really Cute New Books

This week I discovered two truly adorable books. Any child would enjoy these! A fifth grader was closeby when I was parousing these, and she became enthralled with both of them.

One of my new favorite authors is Amy Krouse Rosenthal. Some favorite titles include Spoon, Chopsticks, Bedtime for Mommy, This Plus That, and...

Plant a Kiss

A little girl invents a wonderful idea to plant a kiss. Enjoy these illustrations as one small kiss grows and grows. Your child will ask you to reread this sweet story again and again.

Open This Little Book

When I first opened this little book, I came upon the cover of another book, then another cover, then another cover, etc. Each little book inside this book becomes another little book, then each book closes and becomes a bigger back of a previously mentioned book. Okay, okay, I know you're confused. I did my best. Trust me, you'll just have to read it!

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