Saturday, April 28, 2012

A Teacher's Schedule

Getting up at 6 o'clock every morning has forever ruined me because I enjoy it so much! I love starting school early and enjoying my day doing what I love most. So now, it is considered sleeping in when I hit 7 o'clock without waking up. It is also quite the task to keep me up past ten at night even if it is a weekend. Anyway... this morning as I found myself trying to catch some extra slumber and not feeling able to sleep by 6:10, I let my mind wander to next year:

I will be teaching at Harvest Christian Academy! I am so excited!

I have a classroom to put together. 
I have centers to plan.
I have hundreds of books to cart over to school to put in my library.
I have class art projects to plan.
I get to teach math!
I get to teach science!
I get to teach writing!
I get to teach history!
I get to teach READING!

In case you don't know me as a person or as a teacher. After spending a day in my classroom or even less- spending ten minutes talking to me, you will learn that I LOVE reading! And I truly believe from the bottom of my heart that everyone on the planet could also love reading if they were put in contact with the right book.

So I've been thinking ahead to this summer. What should I blog about? I won't have students. No one would want to read my posts. And then it hit me (beep, beep, SLAM).

I could blog about great children's books. I know that parents are always looking for ideas of books that they can encourage their children to check out of the public library to read on their own. One of my personal projects that I started last November and hope to make a dent in this summer is to read all of the Newbery winning books in the history of the award. 

There are close to 100, but I'm already a quarter of the way through the list, and I must say, I have read some great books this year! So for those of you who want to read a good book this summer, stay posted. Follow the blog. Hey parents, I might even throw some ideas your way...



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Mrs. MacLeod....all I can say is SUPER HURRAY PRAISE GOD YAY! I am so thankful for the wonderful time you spent in Kindergarten this year subbing for Mrs. Gray. I know that the students appreciated a smooth transition back and forth and that they really enjoyed their time with you. I was so excited when you saw me in the hall and said that you would have a job next year at HCA. What a perfect fit! Congratulations - we will be looking forward to seeing you there! We are so thankful for amazing teachers like you...helping to make Harvest the wonderful, Christ-centered school that it is.

  3. Thanks Rebecca! Your enthusiasm and excitement have been so encouraging! I can't wait til next year! :-)

  4. Found your blog via a friend, Erika Morris. Thought you might be impressed by by a 10 year old girl who set a goal to read all the Newbery books. She suffers from mitochondrial disease. She's quite the inspiration! P.S. - loved Sam's book! Thanks for publishing it.

    1. Thank you! This is impressive! I will look into it. Thanks again Wendy!
