Monday, August 20, 2012

Before & After

When I found this sign outside 
my room a few weeks ago, 
this moment became real!

Before pictures of the back of the room.

After pictures of the back of the room.
Before view from the back of the room facing front.

After pictures from the back of the room facing front.

Before picture of the cabinets along the wall.

After pictures of the cabinets along the wall.

My desk
The classroom library.
I am so excited to continue to fill this space up with books.
Tomorrow I get to meet my students. 
On Wednesday is our first day of school. 
And our classroom is going to continue to grow all year long!


  1. It looks great sis!!! Love the little reading area :)

  2. WOW! Suz, it looks great. I'll be teaching high school Bible Grades 9-12 and MS Resource Room so I won't have my own classroom. However, I am very happy about my office which has an air conditioner, is carpeted, and I've recently discovered has a small bathroom just next to it! Class starts on Thursday here so your Wednesday. I still hope that someday I'll be able to teach elementary again but the pros to teaching high school are tremendous. I have about 100+ students just in high school Bible and it allows me to do some coaching in the winter this first year as well. I hope to hear great things and I'll try to check your blog to see your updates from time to time!
