This brings me to last week's lesson. We studied the life of Joseph. Typically I think of two things when I think of Joseph.
1. He had a coat of many colors. (Not so deep truth.)
2. He was a type of Christ. (Deep truth.)
And both don't seem to effect me that much. I'm not saying these truths couldn't be applicable to me, they just don't have a huge impact on me. I mean, I think it's cool that Joseph helps to save his family when there is sereve famine, and how this shows us the Lord, but that's where it ends for me. But I'm not writing this story off.
... If you are still reading, I'll tell you my WOW moment from last week.
It is this: Joseph trusted God.
That's it. So simple, and yet so profound. This man found himself in some severe circumstances. He was sold into slavery, he was thrown into prison for a crime that he didn't commit, he interpreted dreams which sometimes meant that there were tough interpretations to share with others... and yet, in his life, Joseph didn't waver in his trust for Christ. He wasn't perfect, I know. But so many characters in the Bible start off strong, and end with not-so-wise decisions. Joseph is characterized by his trust in the Lord. And look where that took him. He was able to store up food because of his reliability and faithfulness in service to Pharoah. He helped to save the beginnings of the tribe of Israel. He was used by the Lord because he trusted the Lord.
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