Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Worth My Time Read Alouds

This summer, my favorite part of professional development is pre-reading many of the read alouds that have been recommended to me all year long, and creating a running list including my analysis of each book for us to use in first grade this fall. It is a wonderful aspect of teaching first grade!

I have learned a few things:
1. The library doesn't let you put more than 20 books on hold at one time. Bummer. I always get a little red warning pop-up when I feel like I've just got started.
2. Some books are not worth my time to read aloud to my youngsters next year. I'm glad I discovered them this summer. I will not be sharing these titles with you.
3. Some are worth my time! I'm excited to share a few of them with you today:

How to Heal a Broken Wing

The illustrations in this book are phenominal! There are very few words, but it teaches a valuable lesson to look for opportunities to help those in need.

Amber on the Mountain and The Royal Bee

Being in American culture makes it easy to feel entitled. Children don't value their education like so many children do in developing countries or in a time before everyone received one for free. Both of these stories open our eyes to just what it means to live in a country where everyone is able to learn to read and write.

Here's to the power of literature to spark worthy and meaningful discussions! Happy Reading!


  1. Suz, I LOVE children's books and have enjoyed your review blogs. These books are on my list of ones to look for at the library. Thanks for blogging...bloging??.....keep it up!

  2. Kelsy, I have found so many wonderful books this summer through a teaching book that recommends the latest and the best. I bet Carson would love the following book so much: "Open Very Carefully: A Book with Bite." So much fun! And if you'd like I can email a list of the best ones that I've read this summer. I've been categorizing them and keeping track. My email is csmacleod72@gmail.com. Just let me know if you're interested.
