Sunday, September 22, 2013

Our Debt Story- God at Work!

I have always used this forum to share things that I am doing in my classroom or great children's literature that I am reading, however, today I am going to use it to share our story for the glory of God. It includes lessons I've learned through the process of paying down our debt.

I have learned so much since turning 20 about money and God's amazing ability to provide it. I truly know the King of the Universe, the owner of the cattle on a thousand hills. 

I am starting my debt story when I was twenty because it was at this time that God provided my first semester of funds to attend Emmaus Bible College. I found myself led to this place, even though it was a 15 hour drive from where I grew up in Pennsylvania, and I couldn't possibly figure out how I was going to pay for four years of a private college education. God gave me all that I needed to attend my first semester there, and laid it on my heart to seek part-time employment and earn any scholarship that I could to provide for this education for the next 3 1/2 years. My part time employment allowed me to earn about $12,000 a year, But GOD provided the rest through so many avenues. I wouldn't have finished my fourth year in 2011 without various provisions from the body of Christ, and ultimately from the owner of the cattle on a thousand hills. I learned quite a bit through this experience including lessons in trust and reliance upon the Lord. 

Shortly after I graduated from college, I married my best friend, Colin MacLeod. God had convicted both of us about how to handle the money that God was providing for us. This included a conviction about the principle in Proverbs 22:7 that states that "the borrower is slave to the lender". We knew that we were enslaved to our debtors. Colin's debt became my debt when we married, and my debt became his debt as well. We made a plan, and I know that God honored that plan, but he also wanted to teach us a few things along the way. 

During the course of paying down our debt, we had a few expensive incidents occur. We had a big hospital bill from when I got sick one spring, we had various car expenses, and another bill came from a time when Colin had been employed in Iowa. It was easy to allow discouragement from unplanned bills to get us down when our plan was to have our debt paid off quickly, but early on we noticed how God provided the extra that we needed to pay these bills so that we could continue to pay down our debt at the same rate. We gained greater faith through this. I remember thinking that if I did my part, I needed to leave the rest of it in God's hands, and he would honor what we did to get this debt out of our house. 

Last fall I was going through our toiletries while making a grocery list, and I asked Colin how he was on his shampoo supply. He was still into a first bottle of two that I had gotten on a special buy one, get one free deal. Men use much less shampoo than women, for sure! I felt relieved that I didn't have to worry about his shampoo supply for a while because he had a second bottle under the sink. He told me, "I'm going to use the rest of the bottle I'm using until we're debt free." I knew it was more than a year away, so I laughed because we were fine, we had another bottle under the sink. God is in the details, however, because Colin used the last of this shampoo the day before we became debt free. It's not about me, and my ability to provide even shampoo; it's about God and his great faithfulness!

Through this time God also started to produce in my a generous spirit. I was able to give out of what I thought I needed, and He always provided the extra when that conviction came to give. God opened my hands which before had been closed around my money. He thoughtfully pried them open so that I would be willing to yield to his plan for my money.

About two months ago, we were praying one night, and I prayed for the faith of David for both Colin and myself. David is such a great example of someone that faced unbelievable opposition, but did not waver in his trust in the Lord. I knew at this point that our debt would be paid off in a few months, so I expected testing, but I wanted David's faith. Well, the very next morning we were awakened with a text from my neighbor telling me part of the tree in our front yard had fallen on my car. I knew before we went out there we must proclaim God's goodness to us. After I said, "God is faithful!" I just felt like a peace from the Lord wrapped around my heart. Then we went outside to survey the damage, and as we picked each branch off of the car, there appeared to be only a few scratches on the hood, no real damage. God was teaching me trust! Big time!!!

As we paid our final bill last Saturday, I felt such relief, and there is so much praise in my heart for what God has shown and taught to me through this time. I am writing this story to share with you in case you are not sure what God can truly do with the debts in your life. He is a redeemer! 

1. God transcends unplanned bills.
2. God is in the details, even the provision of shampoo.
3. You can't out-give the Lord!
4. God is faithful! 

He was faithful when we couldn't see the light at the end of the tunnel, and he was still faithful when I was worried about shampoo. He was faithful when a tree fell onto the car, and he was faithful when we clicked "Make payment" last Saturday morning! He will always be faithful! That's who He is! 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thank you for sharing how God has been gracious to you two. I'm encouraged and I know others will be as well!
    (Nathan G)

  3. Amen! Praise the owner of the cattle on a thousand hills for his mighty provision for you as well as this powerful testimony!
