Over the past few weeks, I have just felt busy and a little bit drained of my fiery passion as I felt bombarded with paperwork and keeping track of student assessments, as well as pleasing the parents, and making sure my room is clean. I could keep going, but you get the idea. It's easy to get lost under the pile of things to do.
These past two days I have been encouraged and refreshed attending the Nexus ACSI (Association of Christian Schools International) sponsered conference. Our school had a live satellite video that showed the event taking place in real time. It was an encouragement to be challenged from the Word of God. I was reminded to think back to the time that I was first called by the Lord to go into teaching. I was encouraged to give my best in the classroom, and focus on continually speaking the Word of God on a daily basis... and even before I had time to reflect today, I was encouraged by a woman I don't even know in the ladies' bathroom today. She encouraged me to share my ideas, even though I explained to her how I often feel too new to give anything to the field of teaching. She encouraged me to take the time now to blog and share my ideas with teachers who are stuck in the staleness that may come with years and years of teaching the same grade.
I will have you know that I always view seasoned teachers with admiration, and I desire to soak up everything they can share. I am humbled by their expertise.
And the truth is, I'm not afraid to share my ideas, I just don't think that they're always worth sharing. But who am I to judge? I have a rhyme and reason that I do the things that I do. So going forward, I will try to share the little things that make my classroom special and the things that I do with intention to inspire others. Please know I do this with the most humility. I know that I have so much to learn.
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