Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Author Party (Post 2)

My students' stories continue to amaze me. Presenting:
The Meaty Race!

I dedicate this book to all who read this, Mr. Modica,
family & friends.
Once there were 2 meatballs. Their names were: Meaty & Ball. One day they decided to race. To THE MOUTH! They made it to the esophagus. It was long.
While they were going down Meaty said, "Hey, I think we've reached the stomach!"
"Ouch!" "That hurt." Ball exclaimed.
"Hey! We're stuck in the stomach!" Meaty shouted.
Well they were stuck for 2 days, then off they went. Now they were in the small intestine.
"Wow!" shouted Ball.
"It's huge!" exclaimed Meaty.
6 days passed, and they've just reached the large intestine.
"Great," whispered Ball. Meaty is winning.
Day 7- They've reached the rectum.
They're in the toilet. FLUSH! Now they're in the sewer.
"10 FEET TO VICTORY!" shouted Ball.
Too late! The sewer gator ate them.

I hope that I never meet the Sewer Gator. This gave me quite the laugh. My students are so creative!