On Friday, we had an Author/Illustrator Party in our classroom. It was amazing! The writing process is a wonderful thing as I watched these young minds shape their thoughts around a fresh idea and work and work at it, then the moment of completion comes along with great pride in all that they have put into their projects. I thought it would be a wonderful way to wrap up our school year by celebrating our final writing project and actually writing books. We had a party where each student was able to share their work with some buddies, and then with the entire class. There was food, guests, and this was truly a great event!
I may be publishing some of their work to the blog in my "spare" time this week as school wraps up. When I asked the student who wrote the first book (below) if I could publish her book, her eyes grew round as saucers. I asked, "Can I publish this to my blog?" She paused for quite a while...
"YES!" She replied. So it is with great pride that I showcase:
The Diary of a Nectarine.
Day 1: I have been in this box forever! (Okay, okay- two minutes).
Since a nectarine cannot tell time, I don't know. It is really dark in here.
Ah! Bright light! Really bright light! Ah! |
Day 2: I was just put on sale for $2.00 each nectarine. Is that
cheap or what? I also met some friends: There's Nadine, Nora,
Natasha, and Norris. There is a person coming towards me!
Oh wait, nevermind she is going to the apple container, not
the nectarine container. Humph. |
Day 3: I was bought from WalMart today along with 6 apples,
2 other nectarines (besides me), 2 bunches of bananas, some
grapes and some raspberries. |
Day 4: I was put in a fruit bowl today. Oww! Hey get off me!
I can hardly breathe! Move it! Hey, what's that touching me?!
Oh it's a hand. I never knew nectarines had hands! Oh, it's a person!
It's a kid! Ah! She is pealing me! Ah! |
She popped me into her mouth! Ah! Crunch. Oww! Crunch!
Hey, that hurts! Where am I? Crunch. Ah! I have to get out!
Crunch. It's dark in here! Gulp. Ah. Finally out of pain. |
Day 5: I am in line to get tickets to go down the Esophagus Express.
Hopefully I will meet a friend. The food in front of me is a gross looking banana.
He's all brown and moldy and looks old. He also has glasses. He must be old.
*10 minutes later*
I am at the front of the line! I am going to get tickets right now! |
I am waiting to board the Esophagus Express. The train hasn't
come yet. Honk! Honk! Wait, the train is here! It's all pink and red.
Eww. I am going on the train! |
I met a friend. No, sorry actually two. Their name's are Amy
the Apple and Nancy the Nectarine. I am sitting by them right
now. They say "Hi." |
Day 6: I am in the stomach staying at a really fancy and cool hotel.
I am going to stay here for the night. The hotel is called: The Stomach.
Isn't that a weird name? Well it actually matches up because we are in
the stomach. Yawn! Sigh. It's getting late. I think I am going to go to bed.
Good night! |
Day 7: I am late! I am going to be late! I need to check out of the
hotel and be done with this place!
I am at the train station to leave to go down the small and
large intestine. I am getting in line to order tickets. |
Phew. Finally at the front of the line. "One ticket please," I told
the apple. "Here you go," he answered. He gave me the ticket,
and I ran onto the big, long train. Wait, wrong train. I ran off.
An announcement announced- "There is going to be a slight
delay for the Intestine Express Train A." Oh no! I will have to wait.
*1 hour later*
I am still waiting for the train to arrive. Nevermind. It's here!
I am on the train now and in the large intestine. The train will arrive
to the rectum shortly. Wait one minute. The train is going to keep
on going and fall into a lake! This is not good. I have to get off! I know
this sounds crazy, but I am going to jump off this train, or maybe just
reverse it. |
Day 8: I ended up jumping off the train. Whatever. I am walking
down the train tracks and now I am finally back in the stomach.
(To tell the truth, I didn't jump off the train, I got the captain to stop.)
Rumble. What was that?! Rumble. Earthquake! Wait, Tornado!
The huge tornado sucked me up. Eww! It's all gooey and icky.
Goodbye Digestive System! Ugh! I ache all over! I am covered
with goo. I am breathing heavily. I am going to..... |
Look very closely at the picture... I think you can figure out what happens here. |
I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I did. What a creative writer! I want this student to publish some of their work as they get older. I am so proud!
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